Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Stand

What in the world has possessed me to start a second blog, specifically for single mothers, in one week???

Craziness? Passion? Intense Pain?

Perhaps all three.

Craziness is understood. Temporary insanity. Going overboard. Striking while the fire is hot, so to speak.

Passion is accepted. It's the new mainstream. A calling from deep within. Passion ignites, moves to action. True, True.

Intense Pain? How could intense pain be the motivation to blog about the Single Mother Experience?

The intense pain I am referring to comes from the STANDSTILL of NOT STANDING....the INNER WAR of NOT FIGHTING and just going with the standard accepted flow.....and the BOTTOMING OUT of FELT DEFEAT....or pure exhaustion.

Being a single mother for close to five years has been a challenge...physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It has been an ongoing Journey of a Thousand Miles living one day at a time. From many outside perspectives, I am the epitome of 'togetherness'. Former corporate shaker, current business maker. From the inside perspective, (the one that counts), I am a real live struggling human being. The assignment of Single Mother has kicked me in butt harder than I could ever imagine. Tough job -- beyond tough. Rewarding job -- that is still in the making. Training job -- 100% and more.

And so the STAND whatever way I possibly can.

As I write that, I can feel the resistance to telling the truth...the fear of standing for the truth of the single mother struggle. It would be much easier to remain a persona of togetherness, says the persona itself - - but what Good would that serve? What possibly could come from that but more pain and more separateness? Besides, it is too late.

Standing is too important.

Telling the truth is too important.

There is strength in telling the truth. I can feel it in my being.

Where will this lead? Only Spirit knows. All I know is that I will follow as best as I can....and stand in whatever way possible.

Standing for the whole experience of Single Motherhood. Standing for the pain. Standing for the frustration. Standing for the heartache. Standing for the joy. Standing for the 'aloneness'. Standing for the Victory.

And standing for the Journey Itself, that can lead to a strength and maturity and beauty beyond measure.